Friday, 13 December 2019


Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I am very familiar with After Effects and Element, but having these prebuilt templates will save a lot of time. Awesome, takes the tedium out of a lot of day to day quick titling i have to do as part of my workflow.. Over type presets, 60 camera presets, material presets, bevel presets, 35 3D backgrounds, 64 full compositions plus an After Effects camera and light rig. Thanks for bringing out this software! Proudly powered by WordPress. motionworks movietype

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For experienced users, this package offers speed in your workflow, new materials and good backgrounds.

MOTIONWORKS - MOVIETYPE FOR ELEMENT 3D V2 - Free After Effects Template - Videohive projects

New Material Library MovieType 2 includes a library of over materials, from dark and grungy to bright and colourful. Once again, excellent work Motionworks on another brilliant product! VideoCoPilot Element 3D 1.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is a bit expensive, but I would still rate it as a buy. The MovieType toolset can be used to enhance any Cinema 4D scene. The Material Tool has been replaced with a huge library of over materials.

Such a professional look and easy to use ……. As professional motion graphic designers, we built MovieType to allow us to work faster and produce consistently great looking work every time.

VideoCoPilot Element 3D 2. The support offered by the MT Forum is also really innovative and adds tremendous value to the already reasonable cost. MovieType is a great toolset for quick and easy text animations.

motionworks movietype

I like the tutorials as well, especially where it shows how to make your own presets. Your Name Your Email address. My only quibble to date is when you use bi line text with more characters than the standard MotionType character set. Oh…and the customer service is superb.

Download Free After effects Templates

Your Name Your Email address. MovieType presets can be used on any object you can import into Element 3D. I am very familiar with After Effects and Element, but having these prebuilt templates will save a lot of time. As a long-term daily user of E3D, I was completely blown away by just how much detailed work has gone into MovieType and MoBacks, how beautiful the extra materials are worth the price for those aloneand just how much time it is saving me day-to-day. Being new to C4D and wanting push my work to the next level these presets have allowed me to do so without getting caught up in key frames plus tons of style options to choose from.

MovieType for Cinema 4D is a huge collection of professionally designed presets and tools for creating dynamic, movie trailer-style graphics fast. An excellent set of tools that are easy to use but totally customizable to any needs. Hot Looks The type, camera, bevel and background presets can be combined in countless ways for both popular and truly unique looks. New Backgrounds MovieType 2 includes dozens of easily modifiable, organic and geometric backgrounds.

MovieType 2 for Cinema 4D

We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you use Element 3D and do any kind of type design and animation in After Effects, you need this pack.

motionworks movietype

MovieType 2 has been streamlined and optimised to be faster than ever and works in Cinema 4D R15 to R You get a lot of great camera presets, materials, bevels, etc… It is a great purchase, the only thing I would say needs improvement is the price.

Over type presets, 60 camera presets, material presets, bevel presets, 35 3D backgrounds, 64 full compositions plus an After Effects camera and light rig.

Try it with logos, models, anything. Using MovieType on some music videos. Set up was a breeze. Get Productive MovieType puts the key tools for creating impactful animation at your fingertips, allowing you to work faster and spend more time designing and doing the fun stuff.

motionworks movietype

If you want to further customise your looks you still have complete access all of the Cinema 4D tools.

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