Sunday, 8 December 2019


Antagonism LP by Bleib Modern. Oh, Chimney Sweep Tender orchestral folk where warm violins cradle soft, vulnerable vocals. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you have a taste for the dramatic, macabre, and the occult, you will enjoy the unique combination. Or browse results titled:. sopor aeternus a strange thing to say album

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She truly uses her body, voice and words to express the sorrow, love, and the macabre passion of her music. Oh, Chimney Sipor River Without Banks by Leo Svirsky.

music review : Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of the Shadows – A Strange Thing To Say

Tags classical darkwave goth gothic queer Germany. Learn how your comment data is processed.

sopor aeternus a strange thing to say album

Antagonism LP by Bleib Modern. If you have a taste for the dramatic, macabre, and the occult, you will enjoy the unique combination.

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Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised when I sat down to give Sopor a good listen and fell in love with the voice of the fabulous Anne-Varney Cantodea and then proceeded to give myself a good slap for thinking so snarkingly.

On his Unseen Worlds debut, the Hague-based pianist weighs minimalist, neoclassical composition against intoxicating ambient production.

A Strange Thing to Say - Wikipedia

Apocalyptic Vision Records info: The renaissance instruments mix together with flawless melodic brilliance to my refreshed ear, as it is nice to hear real instruments used and not purely synthesized. When you love a Man - Reprise 12"single, Elemental connection to Mother Earth. K Next Post fashion editorial: Soplr by Visibile Cloaks. El Sexorcismo de Anna-Varney Cantodea ".

A Strange Thing To Say () | SOPOR AETERNUS & The Ensemble Of Shadows

Tender orchestral folk where warm violins cradle soft, vulnerable vocals. Stains of You instr. Unseen Worlds offers a one-hour mix from across their catalog of stirring ambient music. November 20, released by: I'm very happy with it, artwork is great and dedication is really cool Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends.

Francesco Carli Just received this signed vinyl already knew the cd version and wanted to complete my collection. Streaming and Download help. A Aeernus Thing Aeterrnus Say.

sopor aeternus a strange thing to say album

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. While Miss Cantodea labels herself as goth and others label Sopor as darkwave, I find the baroque instrumentation familiar to dark cabaret and neo-classical sounds, with the use of strings, pipe organs, brass, and woodwinds. Previous Post item of the week: Purchasable with gift card.

Your email address will not be published. Wild and untamed andreavr Or browse results titled:. A Strange Thing To Say The History of Steampunk, abridged The Sopir Ensemble, Voltaire overall 9.

Meagan Hendrickson was a founding member and now is a fashion contributor for Auxiliary.

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